MINUTES OF THE 40thANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF Fluid Power Society of India (Regd.)
- In pursuance of clause No.40 of FPSI Constitution, the 40th Annual General Meeting of FLUID POWER SOCIETY OF INDIA (Regd.) for the year 2018 – 2019 was held as scheduled on 7th September 2019 at 6.30 p.m. in Crystal Hall, Capitol Hotel, Bangalore – 560001.Notifications for convening this General Meeting were sent to all FPSI Industrial / Institutional / Individual Members vide 1st Notification Ref.: 9004/GB/19 Dated: 24/07/2019 and 2nd Notification Ref.: 9004/GB/19 Dated: 9/8/2019 giving due notice period, as stipulated in the Constitution.42 Members attended the Annual General Body Meeting complying with the quorum necessary for holding the meeting and the attendance registration sheets were maintained.
Mr. Srinivas Guttikar, General Secretary welcomed all the members and invited FPSI office bearers President (Mr. Hemanth Kumar S), Treasurer (P R Srinivasa) on to the dias. Mr. President Hemanth Kumar chaired the session and conducted the proceedings of the Annual General Body Meeting.
Mr. Hemath Kumar, President, delivered the speech which focused on 46 years of achievement & upcoming Golden jubilee celebrations in the year 2023,. H elso elaborated on FPSI vision, its achievements & contribution to nation building. Special mention was made on the Fluid Power Training & Certification and the progress made was reported. He spoke about Fluid Power Centre of Excellence Initiative under CII joint activity.. He talked about the Regional connect and how FPSI is to be shaped as a nodal agency for industry data. He spoke about 5 in 1 event FPTS 2019 and its tremendous success supported by members. He said the society will have to address the areas of improvements in line with other professional organizations like CII,
Mr.Srinivas Guttikar, General Secretary read out the last AGM MOM (FY 17-18). This was unanimously accepted by all the members present in the meeting, Mr. C Ramakantha Murthy (M1193) proposed and Mr. D V Krishnan (SSI-2468) seconded it and it was adopted.
Mr. Srinivas Guttikar, General Secretary read out the Secretary’s Report covering the activities and Programs conducted by the Society for the year 2018-19.
Below is the General secretary report
1. The Council held 20 Meetings including other core sub-committee meetings
2. Under FPSI-CII Core Group Committee,
· On 11th October’18 – Industry visit to Dynamatic Technologies and Wipro Infrastructure Engineering in Peenya, Bengaluru
· Training & Certification Initiative held on 11th July’19
3. FPSI 5-in-1 Program, included
· CEO Conclave 2019 where 60 captains of industry participated.
· FPTS 2019 was conducted, with the theme on “Future Trends in Fluid Power Technology” which was held during 18th & 19th June’19
· FPPD 2019, celebrated on the birth day of Blaize Pascal, father of Fluid Power, on 19th June, 2019. Over 60 delegates had taken part in the celebration.
· Half-day Training Program by Dr. Medhat Khalil, Director Milwaukee School of Engineering held on 20th June’19 at BMS College of Engineering, Bengaluru.
· Curriculum Interaction on Fluid Power Syllabus held on 20th June’19 at BMS College of Engineering, Bengaluru
4. Regional connects organized by FPSI were explained with significance and details. Also mentioned some highlights of Belagavi connect on 2nd February’19 and Coimbatore connect on 26th April’19
5. As part of Industry-Academia initiative started four years ago, this year FPSI has formally inaugurated 4 chapters in Pune, Mysore and Belagavi.
6. FPSI Student Chapter organized 7 guest lecturers for Student chapter colleges in the year 2018-19
· PES University, Bengaluru – The Department of Mechanical Engineering organised a lecture in “Overview of Fluid Power Industry in India and its Applications” on 4th September’18.
· The NIE, Mysuru – The Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Production organised a workshop on “Basics of Hydraulics and its Applications” on 19th November’18.
· Cusrow Wadia Institute of Technology, Pune – Lecture Series Program on Basics of Hydraulics held on 15th December’18.
· JSS Academy for Technical Edcuation, Bengaluru – Lecture on “IIoT Applications in Fluid Power” held on 28th February’19
· Reva University, Bengaluru – Lecture on “Fluid Power Technology in Tipper Hydraulics” held on 7th March’19
· Reva University,Bengaluru – Lecture on “ “Project Based Learning and Job Opportunities in Fluid Power Sector” on 13th August 2019
· Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bengaluru:- Lecture on Hydraulics on 23rd August 2019
7. Industry Visits: FPSI coordinated the five industry visits for Student chapters with support of industry members of FPSI Viz: Festo India, Dynamatic Technologies, BEML Ltd, Hydax Hydraulics and Walvoil Fluid Power India
8. Meet-the-Manufacturer Workshop by Ultraclean Technologies Corp, USA held on 7th December at Radisson Blu Hotel, Bengaluru with topic on “Contamination Control in Fluid Power – Clean Hydraulic Hose Assembly Procedure”
9. Fluid Power Journals were released on time in September’18, December’18, March’19 and June 2019. It has more than 800 copies in circulation to the Industry, Institutes & Individual members.
10. FPSI web site is up-to-date with announcements and recent events. Facility has been provided with a payment gateway, Also online ad and email campaign from Famic Technologies run for 3 months (October’18 to December’18), as attest project.
11. FPSI representation at International Trade Fair – Hanover fair, Germany. Mr. Hemanth Kumar, President of FPSI represented India and presented the Fluid Power Market Report to International bodies.
12. CeTOP Survey: FPSI is actively participating in survey conducted by CeTOP, by VDMA, Germany.
13. Membership & Subscriptions: Efforts were made to improve membership strength, and to collect arrears Membership drive has been started to attract more new members.
14. Obituary: Deeply aggrieved to mention the untimely death of Mr. D.B Mukherjee, the life member of FPSI.
The General Secretary report was unanimously accepted without any comments from the members.
Mr. P Sampath Kumar (LM 2168) proposed and Mr. N Ramamurthy (LM 2170) seconded it .
Treasurer read out the auditor’s statement followed by Balance sheet, income & Expenditure for the Financial year 2018-19. Treasurer summarized that there was excess of income over expenditure in the Income of Expenses accounts for the FY 2018-19.
This was then unanimously adopted. Mr.P M Verkey (LM 1326) Proposed and was Seconded by Mr. K Shivakumar (LM-3324) .
Rs-appointment of auditors.
Treasurer brought to the notice of members that Mr B V Ravindra’s appointment was due for renewal and will continue to be FPSI Auditor for the FY 2019-20.
Re-appointment of auditor was unanimously accepted by all the members present in the meeting.
The re-appointment was proposed by Mr M S Yoganarasimha founder member M-003 and Mr Sunil J M (LM 2579) seconded it.
Amendments to By-Laws
Srinivas Guttikar, General Secretary by giving overview on By-Law amendment for Categories of Membership & increase in Admission and Subscription fees, explained rules 4,7,8,9,10,18,20,30,32,38, which will be duly modified and communicated after approval. Changes are Associate membership, Graduate membership & Tech membership will be combined into Associate membership, Other memberships will continue. For Industrial subscription of 3 years, incentive will be provided, as we go for sponsorship of various events and hence discount is offered. This is the proposal bylaws will be amended and informed.
This amendment was unanimously accepted by all the members present in the meeting. Mr. P Manish Gavarikar (SSI-4495) proposed and was seconded by Mr.Kiron S V (SSI-2142) and it was adopted.
The session was thereafter opened to discussion for members for their views and suggestion for betterment of FPSI
· Dr S Prasanna Kumar said Establishing training courses for members and suitable certification scheme will take FPSI 5.0 mode. The Advisor also suggested a Business Analysis Cell in line with CETOP. He advised FPSI to establish start up cell at FPSI through Atal Innovation Mission of NITI Aayog.
· Mr. Sangappa Biradar enquired if there was any voluntary based innovation platform General Secretary replied although there is none at present, might start in future.
· Prof. B.V.A. Rao suggested Professionals should concentrate on What should be future of fluid power.
· Ms. Meetali Mukherjee requested industry to give students, facility/ machines to help manufacture. Regarding Guest Lecture requested other members to come forward if they have any material.
· Mr. Muralidhar Lakkanna suggested skill development council. President replied that Society with CII tie up, will get access to national skill development center & called upon members with connects & skill to volunteer, Mr. Mr. Naresh said members should come & suggest in council, then it can be taken forward. General Secretary replied that he will form a committee to look in to the issues.
Vote of thanks was delivered by Vice President S Ravi Kumar